realidad o ficción?

   realidad o ficción...cual eliges? yo, sin duda, la ficción...
   original y versión editada/manipulada/texturizada y publicada en Flickr

2 comentarios:

Kris_R dijo...

I don’t know Spanish, but this time your words were easy decipherable even without using the translator. It encourages me to more frequent visits your blog. Besides this website is connected thematically with the photography (I’d be surprised if it was otherwise). Fortunately photos and paintings, speak an international languages. I make no bones about surprise to see these two picture. When I saw Residential architecture IV first time I thought that interference in the transformation of pic, post processing, were much greater. Such architecture is typical for Mediterranean Countries and completely strange here, so probably made a little bit fictional impression on me. I am glad that I can confront the reality of something, which you have given artistic form. I say more – the picture gain value in my eyes. Super perspective from the street light side and still more better crop. It’s good you resist temptation to show wider range of stair case. Certainly it would bring effect of discord and disharmony in main system of lines and arches. As we say – too much is not healthy. But you can always balance and harmonize your composition in every meaning of these words.
Best regards – Kris ;-)

Christian Saboya dijo...

Hombre querido Jesus, tu no cierres el blog que ya tienes un seguidor aferrimo, veo que has puesto cositas que no están en flickr me gusta, sobretodo esta, me has dejado gratamente sorprendido de lo cutre que es el edificio y la magia que sacaste.