flying over Manhattan

    sobrevolando Manhattan
    ►is not any attack or military manoeuvres, or even the landing of the "tea party" in New York ...  Manhattan is flown daily by hundreds of helicopters: police, taxis, ambulances, tourists, etc. ... something really curious if we think in tragic events not so distant in time.
    ►no se trata de ningún ataque ni de maniobras militares, ni tan siquiera del desembarco del "tea party" en Nueva York... Manhattan es sobrevolado a diario por cientos de helicópteros: policía, taxis, ambulancias, turistas, etc...algo realmente curioso si pensamos en sucesos trágicos no tan lejanos en el tiempo.

2 comentarios:

Christian Saboya dijo...

Dos palabras: im-presionante!!
Parece sacada de una peli, muy buena Jesús!!
Un abrazo

Kris_R dijo...

Another impressive revamp the same picture. Has it become already the norm? Why not, it’s a good idea! If you have talent and you do it so well.
We look through blue filter at slightly dimmed colors… And what do we see? Wondrous, delicate visibility of details in relation to monochrome version but art message transferred through the image in full! Cityscape didn’t absorb helicopters. They have been able to defend themselves and still make a noise… Great!

Best regards,