► En 1979, cuando Morley Safer le preguntó en una entrevista lo que significaba ser una leyenda, Katherine Hepburn respondió que a ella le gustaría ser admirada como se hace con un magnífico edificio antiguo...
"Y si tuviese que compararse a un edificio, ¿cuál sería?" Hepburn respondió sin vacilar: "El Flatiron Building."
► In 1979, when Morley Safer asked her what it meant to be a legend, Katherine Hepburn says she’d like to be admired as much as a grand old building...
"And what building you would like to be?" Hepburn replied without hesitation: "The Flatiron Building."
"Y si tuviese que compararse a un edificio, ¿cuál sería?" Hepburn respondió sin vacilar: "El Flatiron Building."
► In 1979, when Morley Safer asked her what it meant to be a legend, Katherine Hepburn says she’d like to be admired as much as a grand old building...
"And what building you would like to be?" Hepburn replied without hesitation: "The Flatiron Building."
2 comentarios:
I admire your freedom, unconstrained, flexible, emotional, sometimes serious, sometimes humorous (like here) approach to photography. You can interpret each of your photo in many ways and manners. You show on your blog third version of the same image. Two previous we can see on Flickr site. The point is that difference consist not only in colors but in expression as well. You could easily create three another diverse picture if only you had the urge …for sure.
There is only one word which correctly summarize that what you are doing – TALENT!
Best regards ;-)
really abeautiful work Jesus.
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